Rain Garden – There's an App for That
I was wondering what I would write about this week, and thanks to my friend Eric I have some interesting information about a new app to share with you. It's a handy tool that instantaneously puts the power of information about rain gardens at your finger tips. If you're having a conversation about one these topics, gardening, resource management, sustainability, or climate change, and you have this app, you can share the comprehensive information that this app supplies. It's current, and demonstrates an informative response to the changing forces effecting society.
It also demonstrates the benefit of government funding since the app was developed by a grant from the NOAA Sea Grant Community Climate Adaptation Initiative: Helping communities prepare for climate change. From thee NOAA Sea Grant webpage;
NOAA Sea Grant is committed to improving the nation's ability to understand, plan for, and respond to climate variability and change along our shorelines.
You can read more about the Sea Grant Program, and see how science serves America's coasts. Science and government, a strong collaboration that benefits all of society. Back to the app.
I never thought about a rain garden. My property is too small, and I have heavy shade, so for me it's a few containers crowded for the small spot of light on my porch. I've been fascinated with the thought of rain barrels for a while now, and I have one out at my community garden plot where I need it the most.
I downloaded the app and I like it. This app provides all the information you need to plan, layout and create a rain garden. It includes a cost calculator, a data base for searching plants, and videos. The interface is easy to use, it's thorough and it's free. What more could you ask for? Here's the article my friend sent along to me. I hope you'll take advantage of this great collaboration of knowledge, government, science, and nature.
Right now it's just avilable for the iPhone, and Android version is slated for re;ases in Spring 2013.