To close out this wild and crazy year, I launched a Patreon page to build up a passive monthly income to support my art and activism. Patreon for those who aren’t familiar with it, is a crowdfunding platform that support creatives who produce individual projects or monthly subscriptions.
From Patreon’s website;
Patreon powers membership businesses for creators by giving them the tools they need to acquire, manage, and energize their paying patrons. With a subscription-style payment model, fans pay their favorite creators a monthly amount of their choice in exchange for exclusive access, extra content, or a closer look into their creative journey.
This model is a win-win; creators retain creative freedom while getting the salary they deserve, and fans get to rest easy knowing that their money goes directly towards creating more of what they love.
I have a large collection of photographs that I’ve never shown, published or sold. My public art has always been crafts, millinery, a brief stint as a storytelling milliner, being a props master and now, my Growing the Food Sovereignty Revolution Propaganda Series (GFSRPS). I thought a Photo of the Month type of a business would be good, and that ended up as the big ask on my Patreon page. There are two smaller levels of support as well.
When I started this earlier this page last year, it was in in the spring this year that I got back to it. Little did I know what would happen since the new first draft of it, and the launch. I was commissioned to write a book by the Stockton Center of Successful Aging, Stockton University, Galloway, NJ. Some great and significant things fell in place with my work with Slow Food USA with seeds and Presidias. Presidias are a community marketing and educational project that supports the Ark of Taste catalogue project I work on with Slow Food USA. There are some great opportunities locally to expand the network of seed libraries I set up here in southern NJ, specifically in Gloucester County and finally, launching in Cape May county. Also for 2020, there’s the Sovereignty Gardens campaign that is the next phase of GFSRPS.
And finally, there’s Tomato Quattrone who was created by necessity, which is often referred to as the mother of invention. The mother definition here though is not the one that’s celebrated the second weekend in May.
You can meet Tomato on my Patreon page. His creation story, while not as dramatic as Greek creation myths, let me just say that necessity was the Mother of his invention, and not the Mother definition celebrated on the second Sunday in May. Think of a two letter acronym.
In the opening credits, you will see that he is presented by the Authentic Jersey Tomato Company. That’s an extension of my Authentic Jersey Tomato Seed Collection, which is a founding seed collection of my Library Seed Bank project. It’s also my NJ LLC, which naturally leads to Tomato Quattone being the unofficial official spokestomato for the iconic Jersey tomato. He will bring an unofficial whole new meaning to the Jersey Fresh marketing campaign for the state agriculture products. As a matter of fact, his official debut as unofficial official Jersey spokestomato will be titled Jersey Fresh.
Please take a look, considering supporting me, and or sharing this with your networks.