Sovereignty—b: freedom from external control : AUTONOMY
From the Growing the Food Sovereignty Revolution propaganda series.
© Jeff Quattrone.
From the Growing the Food Sovereignty Revolution propaganda series by
© Jeff Quattrone.
A 2019 Fun Palaces event. © Jeff Quattrone.
I’m a 59 year old gay man, and my rights have been used as parlor game for many who want to deny my dignity as a human being. The more i got into working with seeds, the more it became evident that autonomy was being removed from access to seeds. It’s one thing never to have rights, and it’s another to have them taken away. For me, I was experiencing both. I’ve never had complete equal rights, and my access to seeds was being infringed upon by consolidation in the agichemical and seed business. So now, I use propaganda to empower people to exert their rights to seeds and food. Propaganda’s not just for the oppressors. It’s a neutral tool, and what better way to claim your food and seed rights than to use propaganda. Flips it to the oppressors.
Declaration of the Forum for Food Sovereignty, Nyéléni 2007. The declaration was from the first international gathering focusing on food sovereignty 27 Februray, 2007. There were about 500 delegates from 80 countries that agreed on the declaration. My Food, My Right is a poster from the Growing the Food Sovereignty Revolution propaganda series, ©Jeff Quattrone.
Food is personal to me. Growing up, life centered around the kitchen table. As a second generation Italian, food was part of our social structure. It didn’t have to be a big meal. it could be just coffee and cake, but the intimate moments of connection were centered around food.
I learned how to cook and preserve food from my mom. I learned how to grow food from my dad. I’m very fortunate to have learned those lessons. So, when I see a the injustice of removing seed and food choices being removed by corporate consolidation on this most intimate part of my life, I had to do something. I’m already kinda sorta but not really a legal equal in society. And now you want to mess with food rights? Have a seat, that ain’t happening.
From the Growing the Food Sovereignty Revolution propaganda series ©Jeff Quattrone.
This is why I launched the Growing the Food Sovereignty Revolution propaganda series. I was able to combine my art and my activism into a statement for empowering rights to seed and food sovereignty.